The Social Enterprise:
Venison sales
matched in
food bank

Sustainable venison, supporting Scottish food banks
We benefit the:

Environment. Deer. Communities.
Our deer are hugely overpopulated
on a protected moorland (SSSI &
SPA). This delicate ecosystem is negatively impacted and carbon dioxide is released to the atmosphere as the peatland is damaged by unprecedented deer numbers.
The red deer population in Scotland is at an all time high. Our
deer herd are over four times the
government guide for population
density. Such density is not good for the deer welfare as they struggle to find enough space and grazing.
We have developed a network of
food banks across rural Scotland who will distribute our Fair Feast
venison. With the cost of living crisis households need sustainable support they can rely on. We are committing to a five year programme.
Zero Waste.
Deer management is a legal requirement in Scotland.
Post-Brexit it has been difficult to secure a market
for the venison deer management naturally
creates. When populations reach extreme
levels industrial culls are carried out by
government agencies which receive public
backlash for welfare concerns and wastage of venison.
We look to provide a new venison outlet and long
term sustainable deer management, that can go hand
in hand. Venison will be butchered and packaged on-site
to maintain the lowest possible carbon footprint. We can embrace a zero waste system, with low carbon production, that benefits the health and wellbeing of the scottish people.